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More Info of Value to Those Considering Online Graduate Degree Programs:
Student Resources
Student Information ResourcesCareer Sites Census Bureau data on AVERAGE income for various levels of educational attainment. Based on this information, on average, graduate degrees pay big!! These case studies on online degrees and job searches. Career choice help and a general college/university search utility from the College Board. What kind of a degree do I need to be a ..... Look it up in the Occupational Outlooks Handbook (on the net, from the US government) FINANCIAL AID INFO FINANCIAL AID IN THE USA - Usually, you have to be at least a half-time student (6 semester hours per semester) in order to qualify for any financial aid. THE BEST PLACE to learn about financial aid is, usually, the institution to which you apply, because they (usually) know that your financial aid is their life blood. Many college and university financial aid offices are very good at finding money!! Here is the US Department of Education site about federal Financial Aid in general. And, here is the site about federal Financial Aid for Graduate and Professional Degree Students. And this is a website where you can file your federal financial aid forms and get information about federal financial aid programs for graduate and undergraduate students . Also, there may be educational cost related tax-savings on your federal income tax and a "single, head of household" deduction may also help defray the costs of education for some. File of student loan default rates, by school. Table of averages for student loan default rates thru Cohort 2009 MORE USEFUL INFO A directory of links to the home pages of colleges, community colleges, and universities, US and Canada. In case you have one you are trying to look one up. LAW SCHOOL? The ABA site discusses distance law schools as a means to qualify people to sit for the bar exam. LAW SCHOOL? California Bar web site identifies law schools, including "correspondence" (distance/online) law schools, that can qualify a graduate to take the California bar exam. (These schools may or may not have regional accreditation, but produce an acceptable credential that qualify a graduate to take the California bar exam.) The American Psychological Association web page of info on grad schools. ONLINE OPEN COURSE-WARE Open courseware available free may be useful in providing supplemental study materials for your online graduate school learning. Open courseware provides access to college course material enables you to explore and learn on your own without being enrolled. MIT. Online Open Courseware from Yale University These internet digitally published course lectures from Yale University (Ivy League) may be valuable as extra tutoring in an online graduate school course you are taking, or may give you an idea of what online graduate school courses may be like. BBC Online Foreign Language Courses may help your online graduate school studies of foreign language. Utah State University Open Courseware utility includes courseware for online graduate school courses. Open-courseware Consortium Search Utility Find Open Courseware that may help you in your online graduate school learning. RESEARCH ON ONLINE HIGHER EDUCATION INCLUDING GRAD SCHOOLS Government sponsored Meta- analysis of online education compared to face-to-face (K12) found online produced better results. 2008 Sloan Consortium study that found 'Online higher education is growing faster than face-to-face'. National Center for Educational Statistics may help you find statistical information you need. Research that found online students cheated less. Education Week's 2010 Special Report on elearning. Research shows that completion rates for online community college courses are comparable to face-to-face according to this article in the CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION. Research on Online Learning from Colorado's Department of Education Research shows that online higher education (online college and online grad school) is booming cited from this CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION article. USEFUL INFO ON ONLINE GRAD SCHOOL & CAMPUS GRAD SCHOOL YouTube Edu also offers examples of online graduate school education. It provides access to digital lectures from online colleges and universities. The National Center for Educational Statistics College Navigator authoritative descriptive information about US colleges and universities. Rankings of the "The Top American Research Universities" from the ASU Center for Measuring University Performance. International Education Here's an information source sponsored by the US Government. US Government site that highlights available federal jobs for students and graduates. US Government site with additional general information for future college and graduate students. US News site with helpful info about financial aid. US government research and policy information on student financial aid decisions. Sloan Consortium is a nonprofit association for educators that works to improve distance / online education. US News and World Report ranking of graduate schools. The Washington Monthly's College Rankings/Guide Chronicle of Higher Education a leading newspaper covering higher education, including online graduate schools. The Department of Education also offers this information on "diploma mills". Butler University Pre-Graduate School information for students website. And their Alternate Health-Related Career Options website which offers links to information about the many health careers available (other than physician or dentist). The US government's "College Scorecard" provides key information for colleges / universities, including cost, graduation rate, loan default rate, and more. (for bachelor / associate degrees) Chronicle of Higher Education's Reality Check, a searchable database of info on cost, default rates, for American colleges. This website also enables you to compare colleges using the provided information. (for bachelor / associate degrees) Does it matter to you if your university or college is influential? Consider Time's ratings of the influence of each US institution of higher learning.
Advertisements / ads may at times include schools with other than regional accreditation.
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If you need more info, you are free to request it from any of the linked graduate schools. It is wise to consider several options, so you are welcome to request info from several schools.
Sites By This Author: Help for Psychology Students provides information and links that are useful to students in Psychology courses. Free the Palm Trees Clip Art has click art images of palmtrees that you can use free. Learn About Experiments in Psychology, A WebQuest is a online learning experience that teaches concepts that are used in psychology experiments.
is a source of information on graduate degree programs where you take the courses online. Congratulations for considering extending your education with graduate study. Cheers to you. Thanks for visiting this web page... Have a great day!!! Note 1: The Top American Research Universities; Lombardi, Phillips, Abbey, and Craig; The Center for Measuring University Performance at Arizona State University and and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2012, ISBN 978-0-9856170-2-8.
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Click for Google Safe-browsing Report for this Website. Contact the site owner, Bernard Bart Schuster by email at Thanks for visiting this web page... Have a great day!!! Colleges, universities, other training/education concerns or others are invited to advertise on this site by email to College or university personnel are welcome to send email to confirm, update, or correct the accuracy of their information. Please specify if your degree can be earned "all online". Please contact me to nominate/submit/suggest an additional academic, career development, business, corporate, university, or college url for this site, or if you have other comments. You can reach me, Bart Schuster, M.S., by email at Please include "Suggest URL" in the subject. I may not be able to answer all email. Additional Notes: I intend to include on this site colleges and universities that apparently have (at least) regional accreditation, however the presence of a university, college, or other site on this page is not an endorsement or recommendation. Grad School Links are here only to present possible college and university sites that may be of interest to some of those seeking an accredited online or distance graduate school degree. The site is primarily concerned with degree programs, although you may find certificate programs, and information on non-degree-seeking classes or courses. So, this site may be useful to those seeking a class, course, or certificate. You may find that a college or university is presented redundantly on this site. This site has pages that are dedicated to specific areas of interest. There is a page for Business degrees, and others for Education, Engineering / Technology / Computer, doctorates, accreditation organizations, and new programs. A graduate degree, also termed a postgraduate degree, may be a master degree, such as a Master of Arts (M. A.), Master of Science (M. S.), or Master of Business Administration (MBA),or doctorate degree, such as a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.), Doctor of Psychology (Psy. D.), Doctor of Education ( Ed. D.), Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), and so on. The term grad school is often used as an abbreviation for graduate school, the terms graduate school and grad school are considered equivalent on this site. Featured online graduate school degree programs may have a quota of information requests they will accept, and if the quota becomes used-up, their link may lead to a 'multi online graduate school alternative search' website. If that should happen while you are using this site you can feel free to just exit from the 'multi online graduate school alternative search' website, or you can use that page if you wish. I try to remove links with used-up quotas as soon as I notice them, but sometimes I am delayed getting them removed. Usually, you must already have an accredited bachelor's degree to start an online graduate school degree program. Additionally, some online graduate school degree programs may have additional requirements for admission and a few prospective students may be screened out from receiving the information package if they don't satisfy a minimum requirement, such as a GPA-level. I strive to assure that the information on this site is current and accurate, however the information may change without notice to me so I can not guarantee total accuracy. A college or university may use the term external degree program where another may use the term distance program. The terms external and distance are considered equivalent on this site. Thanks for visiting this site and good luck with your graduate studies. This page is copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Bernard "Bart" Schuster except as otherwise specified.. All the images on this site are to see, but not to use. Any other images original to this site, are copyrighted by this site owner, per the copyright date. The following images are licensed from a copyrighted collection from ClickArt/Broderbund: clickartgradgroup4.jpg; clickartfemalegrad.jpg; clickartfemalegrad.jpg; & clickartmalegrad.jpg, and any other images with titles beginning with the letters, "clickart". Grad images with file names beginning with "hemera..." are copyrighted from Ideasoft and Hemera copyrighted clipart collections, 1994-2004. Images on this site are to see, not to use. Privacy policy: This website's codes do not collect personal information on the visitor however, the website host may collect nominal "visitor log" data, and the hyperlinks on this site may go to pages which MAY or may not collect personal information. Please refer to the the website host,, and visited site's privacy policy for information on that site's policies. If you elect to request the free info from a college or university, and especially if they are interested in recruiting you as a student, they may give you a telephone call in addition to sending email or overland mail information. In requesting the info package or packet you are, in effect, giving them permission to give you a phone call. This phone call will enable you to direct to the school any questions that are of specific interest to you, and also enable you to ask questions about additional degree programs the online graduate school may offer. Recent research indicates a positive association between advancing education and increases in average salary, however no college, university or graduate school can guarantee a specific salary or increase because that is likely to depend on a number of factors including your education, but also including region, job experience, available opportunities, individual characteristics, personal history, demand, "the economy", etc. Web site visits may also be monitored thru Google, Bing, or other analytics, which may include use of cookies, and would be subject to their privacy policies. Note: There are those on the internet who may wrongfully use someone else's email address to distribute spam. I strongly urge you to not do business with such businesses. I have never distributed spam nor have I given anyone permission to use my email address. The wrongful use of my email address was reported to and the FTC. |